
Abbaupläne at TX-Group: «Hosentelefon-Aufstand» gegen Tagi-Pläne

Abbaupläne at TX-Group: «Hosentelefon-Aufstand» gegen Tagi-Pläne

Der Tagesanzeiger Shriftzug auf einem Tamedia Gebaeude, am Morgen des angekuendigten Stellenabbaus, fotografiert am Dienstag, 27. August 2024 in Zürich. Those not-oriented Massnahmen since with Personalma ...

Rund 50 Chronistinnen and Chronists are among others at «Tagesanzeiger» in their Jobs.Image: keystone

The Redaktionen in der Deutschschweiz (including «Berner Zeitung», «Tages-Anzeiger», «Bund») did not end up in the massive Stellenabbau. Those affected have started the “Hosentelefon-Aufstand”.

28.09.2024, 12:2428.09.2024, 12:40

Klaus Zaugg

It is therefore the longest official task: the sparring partners of the TX Group (nachstehend «Tagi»-Gruppe founded) have carried out the editing of the amended tageszeitungen. Rund 50 Chronistinnen en Chronisten sittern um ihre Jobs.

When the sparring spectacle begins, the season begins in the print edition on the match message of the hockey party of the highest League view. The title was all won in Bernbiet (with the SCL Tigers and the SC Bern) and in the Züribiet (with the ZSC Lions and Kloten). Beispielsweise score about the grandiose 7:0 of ​​SCL Tigers against Rekordmeister and Spengler Cup-Sieger Davos in the night Tag no Wort in the “Berner Zeitung”, the Leibblatt of Hockey fans in Bernbiet. Ab Neujahr can no longer receive a match message about the Fussball match. It won’t take long to Sport-Berichterstattung. Abbau supply is also possible in the other resorts.

Die Frage ist nun: Was de unternehmen die Affecteren? The first war of reaction ein a Verleger Pietro Supino, the German Geschäftsführerin Jessica Peppel-Schulz, Tagi-Chefredaktorin Raphaela Birrer and Publizistik-General Simon Bärtschi founded the protests of the National League (of the highest gaming class in Eishockey). During this period, the representatives of the “Tagi” executive floor are called upon with the representatives of the National League. If the Gesprächsrunde were teilnehmen, it would not be offensive.

Are there people who have been directly affected by Chronistines and Chronists? A popular Mittel was of course a target. With the result, no mistake can be made. Nur: Neither weiss nobody, we were tatsächlich entlassen. Putting a marker or a marker on a marker is more risky in the active situation on the track. A geschlossene «Streikfront» is one of the ways in which this is not possible. Also Kein Streik.

Now that we have launched another, modern protest action, the internal organization is moving digitally: a “Hosentelefon-Aufstand”. The modern telephone, which works by hand or with the hose connections, is an excellent way to make quality video calls. Even now that the chroniclers and chroniclers are in the world at that time, there are prominent figures in politics, culture, Wirtschaft and sports video protest clashes. In video’s from 15 to 20 years of the Prominente, die de Abbau des Print-Qualitätsjournalismus bedauern en ab en zu wird auch die Forderung erhoben, the Strategie noch einmal zu überdenken and the Abbau des Printangebotes und der journalistpersonal beste rücksängig zu machen.

The collected statements – planted since 30 and 50 «Hosentelefon-protestbotschaften» – will be schnitted together in a document from the chef. Voraussichtlich und de gleichen Addressen und Addressen die Schreich Hockey-Protestschreiben.

This form of protest is clear: If we wore the “Hosentelefon-Aufnahmen” hat, the chef would no longer be visible. No one risks protests against the job either. It is prominent in politics, sports, science and culture, as protest characters in the videos.

The realist and the realist say: the fight against hockey protests and the ‘hosentelefon uprisings’ would be one of the most important consequences of the fight against the opponents. A match of the matches and matches and one of the best matches you can play – who discusses the display of the hockey match reports in the print media – there is no one. It all started with the fact that the action acted as a “romantic revolution” as a protest action, which tatsächlich was stunned.

A person who is in the community of those affected by the affected “Tagi” medical staff says: “It is important to us that we will be able to set them up in a timely manner.” After the Motto of the Disillusioned: Nothing is wrong, so it is not harmful.

It can’t be interesting:

The Bundesrat has promoted the Krankenkassenprämien for the coming years. Je nach Wohngemeinde can vary the enormous costs – even if you have a larger version of Appenzell Innerrhoden and der Innerschweiz davon.

After the Prämienschock has quieted the Krankenkassenprämien for 2025 for a year. The Bundesrätin Elisabeth Baume-Schneider has made a proposal for a press conference. Im Schnitt steigen die Prämien um 6.0 Prozent, die mittlere Monatsprämie beträgt im kommenden Jahr satte 378.70 Francs.