
Schwangerschafts Tests Richtisch auswenden | WOMEN’S HEALTH

Schwangerschafts Tests Richtisch auswenden | WOMEN’S HEALTH

Bist du schwanger? Manchmal started with a Bauchgefühl. Jetzt willst du Gewissheit. The most comprehensive and simple method is a free examination for testing your urine with a urine probe. How does it work?

This will happen here. And: Welche Arten von Tests is a gift that means and that it is possible that the Ergebnis has a lot of certainty, that they will go for these refinancing funds.

Schwangerschaftstest – do you want to do that? There are 10 main fragments

Is there a period when you can worry about tomorrow’s consequences or your remarkable sales and deinem-körper? All dies kan be Anzeichen für eine Schwangerschaft sein. Equally, under plant or unplanted: If there are any possible Schwangerschaft grifen as there is an opportunity for Schwangerschaftstest, we would be able to quickly gain clarity.

But not so fast! Dammit, the testing experience is also a matter of great satisfaction, but you must also be happy with it. I’m working on the Frauenärztin Dr. Stephanie Eder, Mitglied des Berufsverbandes der Frauenärzte (BvF), has had the 10 most frequently asked Fragen of Schwangerschaftstests for these clarifications.

1. Do you want to give a man a Schwangerschaftstest?

“The meisten Tests können schonnen 12-14 Tage nach der Befruchtung, als zum Zeitpunkt der erwarteten Regel, feststellen, ob eine Schwangerschaft besteht”, weiß the Frauenärztin Dr. Stephanie Eder. You can get acquainted with the test rules with the following 6-day tests, it is all so relative.

2. Was Madam a Schwangerschaftstest?

“The woman ingested a special hormone, human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG), which is in the woman’s mouth. The small amount of products produced is such that Eizelle has undergone fertilization in the body,” said Dr. Eder.

The Schwangerschaftstests for your home are also so extensive that hCG is one of the best results in urine tests. If you have found the pregnancy hormone in your urine, you may have become pregnant. Frühtests nehmen das hCG schon ab 10 IU/Liter wahr, Standard-Tests ab 20 IU/Liter.

3. Who can be the best way to combine?

Der weibliche Zyklus dauert durchschnittlich 28 Tage, soft drink from the Eisprung um the 14. Zyklustag stattfindet and the Period etwa 14 Tage danach einsetzt. If you use a period of the Tag, this is the best time punk for one of the most diverse Schwangerschaftstests. Trotzdem varies de Zykluslängen von Frau zu Frau. These Hilfsmittel can deliver clarity:

  • Ovulation tests: If you have a childish wish and are at the best immunity for fruitbearing, women may find here with Clearblue Ovulationstest Digital in a 10-pack. With the generated date of the requirements, the test date of the frühestes can be determined.
  • Periods Calendar: Zyklus apps or fruit barkeits tracker are used in the fruit barn season and the period. You can get a good overview of the correct instructions.

4. Who is a Schwangerschaftstest with Urin?

“Pregnancy tests, both analog and digital, can provide 100 percent of the best experiences,” the Frauenärztin concretes. If a positive urine test is performed, the urinalysis is for a high level, it cannot give one hundred percent results. It is also possible that you will make the most effort to do a lieber a test at deinem Frauenarzt or deiner Frauenärztin machen.

While studying, as the snarling of the Schwangerschaftstests, while the house is going through the war, it is worth going as the examinations, which are tested under the Labor-Bedingungen. More studies indicate that this is a greater solution for the Zuverlässigkeit der Zuhause-Tests gibt. As soon as the Repairer of the Schwangerschaftstests has a 99-year-old Zuverlässigkeit-verspchen, a lot of man with thinking, the Genauigkeitswerte auf Laboruntersuchungen will beruhen. Also keep in mind that these tests are not of Laien zu Hause, but that the work technology provides an ideal stipulation while working. That makes sense, it is not that some passions and that of Ergeb are not correct.

5. Was the Linien auf meinem Schwangerschaftstest?

That man differentiates, then an analogous urine test can show two lines:

Control line: If you contact your urine and say that the test streaks are active and the Schwangerschaftstests are not possible or do not work, this is the case.
Teststreifen: Dieser will now make a higher hCG observation and says a positive test, also a Schwangerschaft, and. It is not that the Schwangerschaft bleibt there is white.

6. Who wants to take a Schwangerschaftstest?

“On the purchase of jewelry tests, the packaging information is informed”, while the Gynecology Eder says that the market or product is known. The repairers are able to be wettbewerb and ändern-aufbau and methodik-häufig, so that they can continue to investigate the results of their courses for a long time. Dennoch is a problem with the error, but there can be no question of an error:

    • Zeitpunkt: “The tests are normally after the start of the test with the test being carried out tomorrow, the time point of the mixture of the relevant hormones is high,” erklärt Dr. Eder.
    • Trinkmenge: “Wenn de Frau zu vor siehr Welssigkeit zu sich genommen hat, kann das Ergebnis versälscht sein”, eränzt de Frauenärztin.
    • Urine test: You can put the Spitze of the Teststäbchen or Streifens directly into the Urin or this Urin in a sauberen, trockenen Becher auffangen and the Testspitze for the changed Time eintauchen.
    • Ruhig stop: Frauen in Filmen was hysterical with the test in hand during the house. It’s not a good idea, it’s worth wandering around during the testing period. It is best to perform the test and the first time you do it should take about 3 minutes.
    • Ablesen: The trouble started immediately after the old war – not that long ago.
    • Nights: If you tested a negative war and tested the negative war, it has been a few days since you took a test during the test. “It may be that the test turned out negative, the limit of the hormonal hormones in the urine is not incorrect. The test turned out negative, but could be one of the Schwangerschaften,” says Dr. Stephanie Eder. There are also no Tage, but the HCG is a wirklich nachweisbar.

7. Is it possible to be alone in a Schwangerschaftstest in 10 minutes?

The tester bnisse is no longer cooked after 10 minutes. The basis for discomfort is the Verdunstungslinie. A negative test can occur after 10 minutes or a few positive results, while the rest of the test line remains aware of the distant evaporation, which in a Schwangerschaft is a large line. The result is a false positive and confusing deinerseits.

Grund for a false positive attitude can have a false effect on the effects of drugs, the hormonal level can be affected. Other medical examinations that use the hCG-Wert in the Körper-verändern were falschen Testergebnissen führen kann.

8. What Schwangerschaftstests?

Herkömmliche urine tests are done in the Drogerie, in the Apotheke or in the larger Lebensmittelmärkten. If you find a large Auswahl and Schwangerschaftstest online, your house can continue to work. Grob unterscheidet man zwischen 3 unterschiedlichen Teststart:

  • Teststreifen: The Urin-Teststreifen is supplied in the large package, the soft drink of the pro-test is carried out as a test test. It is practically impossible to mount a Kinderwunsch and test it the most. Teststreifen are as versatile as testtests and other frühtests, believe it is One Step Schwangerschaftstestteststreifen in 20er-Pack.
  • Test stabchen: The Classification under the Schwangerschaftstests gibt es in vader Ausführungen. The shape of the pen is not hygienic to process. Separate Anzeigefenster for the Test Line and the Schwangerschaftslinie machen das Ablesen beyond one, as with Amazon Basic Care Schwangerschafts-Frühtest.
  • Digital Schwangerschaftstests: The products can be used in the Schnitt as analogue tests, such as punkten with a German digital Anzeige. So add a Plus- or Minus-zeichen, die “schwanger””nicht schwanger”, Smileys or an Anzeige van de Schwangerschaftswoche which is available at Clearblue digital with Wochenanzeige.

9. Wasn’t it possible to spend the rest of the period during a new period?

Menstruation is formed by a complex hormone system, and the different organ improves, the weaker hormone hormone and progesterone production. Then you can use another hormone, which spoils the thyroid hormone, in the thyroid gland.

Kurz gesagt: Nicht nur Schwangerschaftshormone can bring the Zyklus out of the Rhythmus. “Mögliche Ursachen für ausbleibende Period außer einer Schwangerschaft since Stress, Fehlernährung, auch Mangelernährung, bestimmte long-term Erkrankungen, Störungen der Schilddrüse as well as the Einsetzen of the Perimenopause or the Einnahme of Verhütungsmitteln” fügt Dr. Eder hizu.

10. Positive Schwangerschaftstest – was nun?

If a positive point, it is important that the woman or the woman has an initial control over her contacts. “These are the results of a Schwangerschaftstest in the urine, because they are not the result of the free examination of the tests. During the writing process there is an ultrasound and a special analysis of the results of the treatment of the patient. It takes 6 to 9 days for the patient to survive. healthy hormone hormones, hCG, healthy eating habits”, explains Dr. Stephanie Eder.

If you do the Schwangerschaftstest after the Packungsanleitung during the test, then the tests are a great effort, that is 99 Prozent sicher ist. The Wahrscheinlichkeit, one of the most important things you can do is of course, you will struggle longer with the test.

A Schwangerschaftstest can be a quick way to determine what is best for you to do. It is best to start the next morning during the autumn term and take the following tests. Manchmal können jedoch Fehler auftreten, both positive and negative at Ergebnissen. It’s a shame to take another test or perform a gynecological practice for a few days, a whole lot.

C. Gnoth and S. Johnson (2014): Strips of Hope: Home Pregnancy Test Accuracy and New Developments. Geburtshilfe und Frauenheilkunde,, Zuletzt abgerufen am 19.09.2024

Jackie Boxer et al. (2019): Home pregnancy tests in the hands of the intended user. Journal of Immunoassay and Immunochemistry,, Zuletzt abgerufen am 19.09.2024