
Notaufnahme: Samstagnacht – TV program DMAX

Notaufnahme: Samstagnacht – TV program DMAX

Notaufnahme: Samstagnacht – TV program DMAX


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Notaufnahme: Samstagnacht
  • Infirmary schleppt den Wagen mit dem Bettzeug

  • Image 1 of 1

The team at the Notaufnahme des Johanniter Waldkrankenhauses in Bonn provides care for 80 patients and patients within 24 patients. In die Samstagnachtschicht the personal bovine 30 medizinische Notfälle is treated. And if the woman acts with another woman, the regularity of the mountain will increase, achieving a sprachliche herausforderungen with such matters. The woman now speaks Persian. The Bonifatius Hospital in Lingen has taught a patient who was diagnosed with Tanzen. I think the woman in the Oberschenkel is lost.
