
Merchweiler: Rauchentwicklung in leerstehendem Hotel | Regional

Merchweiler: Rauchentwicklung in leerstehendem Hotel | Regional

Merchweiler – On the morning of 05.10.2024, a strict inspection by the police inspectorate Neunkirchen Rauch in Obergeschoss begins and a learning area in Hauptstraße.

The ehemalige Hotel- und Gaststättenbetrieb are located on the Kurze Zeit später in Flammen. The fire is as fast as the first Obergeschoss and the Dachstuhl. 80 fire brigades from various fire fighters fought against the flames and transferred the fire to another operation under control.

Die Löscharbeiten dauerten bis 05:30 Uhr an. A Straßensperrung and the Evakuierung one of the Benachbarten Wohnhauses were notnauwen. Glücklicherweise were few persons lost, and adjacent Gebäude remained undamaged. The Ursache des Brandes is not yet clear and could be further investigated so that the story can happen.

Damage damage is not excluded.

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