
Supplements: 3 widespread myths that support health in our journey

Supplements: 3 widespread myths that support health in our journey

Supplements: 3 widespread myths that support health in our journey

Stefan Pasiakos has come to know people because they need information before they have an idea.
Bureau of Dietary Supplements / Getty Images

Nahrungsergänzungsmittel is not as regular as a medicine in the US and Germany.

It is so important that you can use your machine before you are one of the directors of the Office of Dietary Supplements.

Once you know, the aftercare is no longer safe and the Mäßigung der Schlüssel is, so Stefan Pasiakos.

This is a machine tool that contains an article from Business Insider’s US columns. There is automatic processing and a real editing assignment.

Nahrungsergänzungsmittel is one of his polarizing themes. If you are one of the schwören, stop others for a total time and money savings. Stefan Pasiakos is an überzeugt davon, that is the Denkweisen-hilfreich. The American is an expert in the field of supplements and talks to Business Insider about Myths of using a supplement.

“Man must die for a purpose that he pursues and preserves for his own propagation,” said Pasiakos. There is a branch of the Office of Dietary Supplements at the National Institute of Health in the US. The registration delivery was regularly the new deletion of data on nahrungsergänzungsmittel aus, one of the most common errors.

Supplements are faith in der Gesellschaft

Stefan Pasiakos is an extensive publication and part of the ministry since July 2023. Reference is made to the Soul, which will bring a hohes Maß and wieschaftlicher Objektivität into the Nahrungsergänzungsmittel-Bereich. There are many people who can understand the information that divorce financing can provide so that your health is optimized.

Nahrungsergänzungsmittel – von Multivitaminen bis in zu zu Probiotika – since dem Leben kostenloser Menschen nicht mehr wegzuthink: In Deutschland nehmen etwa more as zwei Drittel der Bevölkerung wöchentlich Nahrungsergänzungsmittel zu sich, laut der Bundesregierung. In the USA, 58 Prozent der Menschen, in de vergangenen 30 Tagen irgendwelche Nahrungsergänzungsmittel eingenommen zu haben, so the new dates of US-Gesundheitsbehörde aus dem Jahr 2021.


Muskelaufbau supplements

Hasn’t that happened yet? These supplements can be used by Muskelaufbau helves

Unternehmen können with inhaltstoffen tricks

It is also a small excess, the market for nahrungsergänzungsmittel in Germany, also in the US. Laut des Informationsdienstes IQVIA setzten im vergangen Jahr Apotheken deutschlandweit beef 3,11 Billiarden Euro mit Nahrungsergänzungsmitteln um. In the United States, the market in the year 2023 in Great Britain was worth an estimated US$53.6 billion, which was worth approximately €49 billion.

Aber: The Regierungsbehörde in the USA and Germany do not weld Nahrungsergänzungsmittel like this before they come onto the market. Heißt: Die Unternehmen müssen im Gegensatz of Restoren von Arzneimitteln not a more Clinical Study lead time, to check the Wirksamkeit ihrer Product zu weisen.

Expert concrete, that Supplements could help

If you no longer want to use exactly the contents of the packaging material, we will produce or stretch a product with other products, which cannot be used on the packaging. A study from the year 2023, which was published in the JAMA Network Open, stated 89 Prozent der 57 tested Nahrungsergänzungsmittel in the USA cannot stimulate any of the inhaled substances.

Once that is the case, then it is a matter of getting things done before a Nahrungsergänzungsmittel is established. Aber: Es bedeutet nicht, dass Supplements nicht maar een Rolle bei der Unterstützung und Förderung der Gesundheit spielen können, so Stefan Pasiakos.

I talk to Business Insider about the experts at Myths that keep people from making a profit.


Die 3 Nahrungsergänzungsmittel nimmt ein Arzt, one of the energy of the scaffolding and not sick zu became

1. Je meer Nahrungsergänzungsmittel, desto better

Je mehr, desto besser? “If you don’t use vitamins, minerals and nutrients, it is never better,” Pasiakos explains. Many people think that it is not possible for something to be ‘natural’. Aber das stimmt nicht, sagt er.

It has fallen, in the event of an event that lasts longer if the employer no longer feels. With “Falling natural products we don’t know, we don’t have high quality products,” Pasiakos explains.

If people einnehmen more than the empfohlene Tagesdosis one of the Nahrungsergänzungsmittels, the swinging Folgen haben dies. In May 2023 it became a man, who received a new month in which vitamin D is recommended.

In extreme cases, an overdose of magnesium can promote the functioning of the body and the entire body. Vitamin C overdose with kidney problems and vitamin B12 mangle can be solved, with Professor Rob Chilcott taking note. There is Leiter der Toxikologie at the Universität Hertfordshire in Great Britain.

    Laut des Informationsdienstes IQVIA setzten im vergangen Jahr Apotheken deutschlandweit beef 3,11 Billiarden Euro mit Nahrungsergänzungsmitteln um.

Laut des Informationsdienstes IQVIA setzten im vergangen Jahr Apotheken deutschlandweit beef 3,11 Billiarden Euro mit Nahrungsergänzungsmitteln um.
Getty Images

2. Supplements are “verdorben” and verälscht

Die Menschen tend dazu, seich in zwei Lager aufzuteilen. So if you take the time, all supplements are “destroyed and spoiled” since. And then it’s time to say that all functions work quickly.

Experts have found the best means to view the data of the nahrungsergänzungsmitteln, the people can help to finance the financing of the nahrungsergänzungsmittel. If you give the Heimatland jewelry product program a guarantee, a product of the utmost importance is placed on the labeling.

I would like to wipe out the people, because the industry is not behind them here

If you want to know whether the verification program has not produced good results, a product has emerged from the product: “It was a fact that the labeltist was aware, but in the nahrungsergänzungsmittel ist” , so der Fachmann.

“I would like to inform the people about these products, to inform them, to understand them, and to understand them, so that the industry is not behind them.” it is no longer possible to buy.

3. Nahrungsergänzungsmittel is a panacea

Stefan Pasiakos said, man is aware of a good idea, that is mache. Aber: “We cannot find these Wundermittel in Nahrungsergänzungsmitteln”, the statement is clear.

Anyone who could use the American healthcare system could find an answer to the question of whether there is a problem in the foreground. There are many problems with solving problems when there is a problem, not when there is a solution.

“Man cannot be careful not to take care of the situation, but he will continue to benefit from this,” it says. If a person is not white, a person is a good substance that is so little, a man cannot be used, but the supplements are a bit sollte. I can’t even ignore it. That is the basis for which I have done so.”

Have the original article appear in English at Business Insider US.