
Aktienfonds: Wirtschaftsweise schlagen statlich finanziertes Kinderstartgeld vor

Aktienfonds: Wirtschaftsweise schlagen statlich finanziertes Kinderstartgeld vor

There is a kind of Aktienfonds that has earned a sum of money in the state, through the Sachverständigenrat Wirtschaft. Ziel sei een frühe Teilhabe am Kapitalmarkt.

This is an experimental tool. The resulting result may be imperfect, or it may be false.

The Sachverständigenrat Wirtschaft provides a state financier for children’s starting money, at the state monatliche and six euros in an Aktienfonds for Kinderabs years, up to 18 years. The first time the Zweckbindung is performed has begun. The State will cost 1.5 billion euros and will therefore be served, with no additional capital costs.

Aktienfonds: Ab dem sechsten Lebensjahr sollten Kinder een Aktienfonds consists of the state monatliche inzahlt, for the economics requirements.
If you are involved in borrowing money, a children’s fund is active in government bonds, for the Wirtschaftsweisen.
© Ina Fassbender/​AFP/​Getty Images

The Sachverständigenrat Wirtschaft has proposed a state financial aid for children’s start-up money. The state aims for children to earn a euro in the coming years
Asset fund a – solange, for up to 18 years, to guarantee future economic benefits. Then it is time to perform the “ohne Zweckbindung”. The State costs 1.5 billion euros in one year.

The children’s seed money is “a part of the capital market that anchors in the long term and lasts a long time with the expansion of history and returns for knitting investments”, teilte der Sachverständigenrat mit. In the years that they offer children and their children “financial loans and provide some of the opportunities, more profit is made”.

This article is still current.