
Martin Scorsese: Keine Absicht, in Rente zu gehen

Martin Scorsese: Keine Absicht, in Rente zu gehen

Martin Scorsese
Keine Absicht, in Rente zu gehen

Martin Scorsese with the blesser Tochter Francesca in Turin.

Martin Scorsese with the blesser Tochter Francesca in Turin.


Two projects with the blessing would be postponed, but Martin Scorsese will enter the fray after he enters Rente.

Trotz Preis für sein Lebenswerk: Martin Scorsese, 81, is not thinking about annuities. In Turin, the Regie-Altmeister won the Premio Della Mole Award at the Film Museum. Begleitet wurde there at the Event of the Tochter Francesca, 24, Willem Dafoe, 69, gave a hymn to the Filmemacher, with the “Die letzte Versuchung Christi” (1988) written.

At a press conference in the Rahmen regions in Turin, Martin Scorsese is added to his projects. Schließlich wurden gleich two seiner planteden Filme kürzlich verschoben. The story of “The Life of Jesus” begins in September for years. A biopic about Frank Sinatra (1915-1998) starts in November. These reports lead to speculation about the health status of the Regie-Legende.

Jesus and Sinatra: Diese Filmfabriek Martin Scorsese

“I don’t know what to see, in Rente zu gehen,” said Martin Scorsese in Turin. “The film about Frank Sinatra is now a work in progress, and I am working on the work of Jesus,” it is clear. “I’m happy, Gott gibt mir die Kraft and das Geld, um sie fertigzustellen.” If the Sinatra film is so good that there are legendary singers and playwrights, the best Scorsese at the press conference is a far cry.

In “The Life of Jesus,” Andrew Garfield, 41, is the title character’s narrator. In “Sinatra” Martin Scorsese’s main actor is Leonardo DiCaprio, 49, for the Hauptrolle-vorgesehen. Jennifer Lawrence, 34, is eligible.

More films have been included in the Martin Scorseses Pipeline at the online film database at IMDB. Darunter is the Schiffbruchabenteuer “The Wager”, ebenfalls with Leonardo DiCaprio. Gelist is yet another film starring DiCaprio, who served under US President Theodore Roosevelt (1858-1919). This project has been carried out over the years in Hollywood.
