
Laut a study has produced a clear winner

Laut a study has produced a clear winner

Three smart trackers are a gold standard. (RioPatuca Images - Adobe Stock)
Three smart trackers are a gold standard. (RioPatuca Images - Adobe Stock)

Three smart trackers are a gold standard. (RioPatuca Images – Adobe Stock)

Intelligent tracker is no longer possible. Writing a letter brings back the frequency of the messenger or writing your message.

A new study from Harvard Medical School and Brigham and Women’s Hospital in Boston has now found a tracker that found a lupe general and a polysomnograph (kurz PSG) (via Techradar).

Das Ziel: Who is the tracker in the view?

Was a polysomnographer? A polysomnograph is a Mediterranean technique that monitors the various parameters of the movement parameters with gehirnaktivität, refrequency, Atembewegungen, Sauerstoffsättigung, Augenbewegungen and Muskelaktivität überwacht, one of the Schlaf that analyzes and schlafstörungen zu diagnoses.

That Study

The research that has been done examines the development of the three schlaf trackers in PSG’s report. It takes 35 days for a change in the period of 20 to 50 years to occur in clinical treatment during the night watch.

All parts are in the Oura ring overnightthe Fitbit and the Apple Watch and the time with the PSG super watch.

Once the 35 person story is no longer representative, it can still be a renewed attempt to get into the potential situation.

Oura Ring 3 is reformed as a siege

The ergebnisse said that all Geräte has a high sensitivity (≥95%) at the Erkennung von Schlaf- vs. Hatten waiting position. Die Fähigkeit, zwischen verschiedenen Schlafphasen (Leicht-, Tief- and REM-Schlaf) zu unterscheiden, war jedoch unterschiedlich.

Der Oura Ring is born in the fourth generation.
Der Oura Ring is born in the fourth generation.

Der Oura Ring is born in the fourth generation.

Der Oura Ring is the best switch to PSG herewith Fitbit and Apple Watch Schwächen included in the Recognition of Tiefschlaf aufwiesen.

  • »The Fitbit is easy to read (18 min.; p \, so that study.

Der Oura Ring is no longer provided with PSG in the Schätzung of Wach-, Leichtschlaf-, Tiefschlaf- or REM-Schlaf.

Was it said? If the value is less than 0.001, the discomfort may no longer occur in the same way. The Wahrscheinlichkeit can be as high as 0.1 Prozent. If it is right, the null hypothesis, it will have no effect or will not be understood, can be practically ruled out. One of the things we said from 0.001 is that it’s going to be very difficult to do this.

It’s a good idea to be on the beach, the Fitbit on two of the 35 Teilnehmer This study produced no data and Apple is on the 35th page of the study that has no data. During the study, all three data are loaded, synchronized, and initialized correctly. The Oura ring is shown at all parts of the Schlaf op.

This fall of dating lust would be miserable in the analysis, but no specific maßnahmen will be described, one of the previous years.

Kollegin Vera hat im brigen auch a night in Schlaflabor Verbracht:

Schlaftracker vs. Schlaflabor - Who is Apple Watch and Co.?
Schlaftracker vs. Schlaflabor - Who is Apple Watch and Co.?

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Schlaftracker vs. Schlaflabor – Who is Apple Watch and Co.?

Add a new model to the market

In our Ring 3 study, the Apple Watch 8 will also replace the Fitbit Sense 2. New models of software updates can be added, which can use the algorithm to analyze the Schlaf phases.

Ability to use the Apple Watch 8 with watchOS 10. With the update to watchOS 11 you get the Vital app, the art and the modern way in which Apple works with an Apple Watch.

Interesting to make a click on the active Pixel Watch 3, which works on the basis of the Fitbit computer, misses and sees the messages you have displayed.

Fazit der Studie

The study comes from the Schluss, that the Geräte is very straight If the Schlaf and Wachzustand are no longer separated, the pleasure of the recognition becomes more specific Schlafphases are better.

Gerade this sensation is heavy, damn the Nutzer genaue information will no longer stress, the ergebnisse überbewerten or im schlimmsten Fall sogar sick.

The erggebnisse says that it is true that the technology of the schlafüberwachung weiterzuentwickeln, a bedürfnisse of the nut dish that you will get.

No more smart ring at the Schlafmessung

The messages from a ring can be used as a smartwatchThe most effective was the Sauerstoffsättigung des Blutes (SpO2) treatment. Finger’s breakthrough is a fact as forearm. If you use the Smartwatch, this is no longer a party.

Other factors play an important role in the message, with the display of the removal of the devices.

If the Oura Ring (the most recent in this study) is reformed as clearer, all smart Ringe gilts will no longer die. If you can no longer use the Galaxy Ring (Test message to follow), there is a notification of the display of smartwatches and bracelets with a whoop notification.

Genereel works with the English YouTube channel The Quantified Scientist, if he is looking for a fitness tracker and a fitness tracker in this way. Rob is intensively educated with the Auswertung der verschiedenen Tracker and compares it with Mediterranean Geräten.

Do you want to use a ring, a bracelet or a smartwatch, one of your favorite watches? Was since eure Erfahrungen? Write about it in the comments!