
Ronya Othmann: 5 Gründe, die Leipziger Autorin will know

Ronya Othmann: 5 Gründe, die Leipziger Autorin will know

Der Genozid an den Jesiden (Selbstbezeichnung: Ezîden) and dammit verbunden Gewalt, Trauma und Flucht since in Ronya Othmann’s literary texts Zentrale Themen. In August 2014, the Islamic State (IS) terrorist organization entered the Shingal region of Iraq, starting a civil war and the Yesidi siege. Many women want to systematically renovate and sell, the men and children get their soldering work. Diese Gräueltaten, der men die zijn en de inner Zerrissenheit, die es bedeutet, in Deutschland in Sicherheit zu können, während Familienangehörige Tod and Gewalt inherit, verarbeitet Othmann in his Prosa and Lyrik.

The protagonist in his first Roman “Die Sommer” and traveled, who is that Autorin, who lived his life in the great outdoors – but he lived his life there. Sie lebt gewissermaßen in two Worlds. The family of your children, the time of the Auslöschung studies, and the seicheren in Deutschland with all the money and possessions, are becoming more and more interesting for the Schicksal der Jesiden.