
IVG Forum Garden Market: Exciting Program

IVG Forum Garden Market: Exciting Program

Am 5. November 2024 lädt der Industrieverband Garten (IVG) eV wieder ins Maritim Hotel Düsseldorf zum IVG Forum Gartenmarkt. These years are based on the motto: “Garten connectet”.


Nach der Registratie und een Kaffee wird IVG-Geschäftsführerin Anna Hackstein at 15. IVG Forum Gartenmarkt eröffnen. Directly in the Anschluss you must put the contents on the Grußwort von John W. Herbert, Geschäftsführer EDRA/GHIN and Urgestein der Branche, friends. The Vortrag program is then von Dr. Bettina Volkens, CEO and co-founder great2know GmbH, with his message “Wenn Sie wüssten, was sie alles” eröffnet, followed by Patricia Grundman, Vice President Media & Retail Media at OBI and Geschäftsführerin of OBI First Media Group, with his background and the theme “Wie Retail Media in Home & Garden Bereich aufblühen lässt”.

After a coffee break during the program with a short break from sponsors Koelnmesse GmbH fortification, protect Dr. Stefan Strauss, In STRAUSS MEDIA GmbH, with the theme “TikTok – generating and deploying social media marketing?” referring. Danach follows the Content Creator Igor Josifovic-Kemper with the Beitrag “Von Leidenschaft zu Community – het Erfolgsbeispiel of Urban Jungle Bloggers”.

After the Mittagspause, further sponsorship of the IGA Metropole Ruhr 2027 gGmbH; whatever the case, with the KI-Quiz, with them Andreas Steinle, Zukunftsinstitut Workshop GmbH, de Grundlagen der KI Darstellt. It follows Dr. Philip Hoog,
BBE Handelsberatung GmbH, Mitglied der Geschäftsleitung, Leiter Strategieberatung, with “Handel der Zukunft – Entwicklung, New Kids on the Block and Trends 2025+ for the Grüne Branche”.

View the program block with a program vortrag, and black von Amiaz / Der Jobhopper. It follows Keynote Speaker of the Forums: Sascha Lobo. The author, podcaster and digital unternehmer spoke on the theme “Who is aware of the world renewal and was for the garden world” and that happened on 15. IVG Forum Gartenmarkt has appeared.