
Am Vorabend zubereitet: That is the best Frühstück am Morgen

Am Vorabend zubereitet: That is the best Frühstück am Morgen

Frühstück muss morgen nicht long dauern. With these few reactions, which can be carried out, the energy efforts in the Tag will begin.

Chia pudding with Skyr

This healthy frühstück may simply contain the nutritional value and the amount of proteins, but there are also no fibers and vitamins.

Im Video: So machst du Chiasamen-Wasser zum Frühstück.

Overnight Oats with Protein

Overnight Oats are a protein-rich variant that is eaten.

These Zutates are good for you

  • 50 Gram Haferflocken
  • 15 grams of protein powder deiner Wahl
  • 150 Milliliters Flussigkeit (Milk or Wasser)
  • 1TL Nussmus
  • a Handful of Beeren or Obst deiner Wahl
  • Toppings nach Wahl (Granola, Coconut Chips, etc.)

So be prepared for this fruity piece

  1. Make sure you put the haferflocken with the protein powder and milk or water in a fresh box or a glass with Schraubverschluss.
  2. Gib anschließend das Nussmus, Beeren und Toppings dazu, schließe das Gefäß und stelle es in de Kühlschrank.