
Odermatt zum Saisonstart: «Gut, that’s all gone – then all those good things are gone»

Odermatt zum Saisonstart: «Gut, that’s all gone – then all those good things are gone»

Odermatt: «The good feeling of happiness in the summer is complete»

For the Saisonauftakt in Sölden, Marco Odermatt talks in Interview with Blue Sport about the Vorbereitungen and Ziele for the new Weltcup-Winter.


Gesamtweltcupsieger Marco Odermatt started in the Sonntag in the new Weltcup-Saison. I have been interviewed with blue sport, it is worth leaving the Saison away.

Keine Zeit? blue News soon for these sisters

  • Marco Odermatt started with the Riesenslalom in Sölden am Sonntag in the new Weltcup-Saison.
  • The Schweizer’s surprise, that is the good fortune of the summer completely gone.
  • Der Gesamtweltcupsieger freut sich, dass es endlich losgeht: “Then all those good things are gone and man we are little, we are still alive.”

Before the season even started, Marco Odermatt convinced the first Auszeichnung of the Winters ab. The Gesamtweltcupsieger ist für seine aussergewöhnlichen Leistungen in der Vergangenen Saison little überraschend with the «Skieur d’Or» ausgezeichnet.

The 27-year-old Nidwaldner went to the summer of 2022 and followed the American Mikaela Shiffrin, while the Auszeichnung took place during the year. I interviewed the Tage before the start of the season with Odermatt zu blue Sport: «It is a nice Auszeichnung, but we can no longer go to war. If the gesamtweltcupsieger still has a 50:50 chance, then the man will win.” It’s time to get started, so get into the season.

Odermatt gewann in der letzten Saison 13 Running, new davon in seiner Paradedisziplin Riesenslalom. If the two Abfahrtssiegen in Wengen are one of the first triumphs in the King’s Disziplin. With 874 Punkten Vorsprung en meer sicherte there are zum drRITten Mal in Folge den Gesamtweltcup. While the small crystals in the abyss, in the Super-G and in the Giant Slalom on the Odermatt, the removable mountain climbing will no longer be at the highest setting in the future.

Odermatt: «I have a great soul: Kitzbühel»

Marco Odermatt organized a Medienkonferenz before the start of the season about his great Saison soul, Verbesserungsspotential and verrät seinen Plan, who will triumph in Kitzbühel.


That good happiness is a beautiful way

Everything that can happen during winter has not started in the new season: «It is good that summer is complete. The material, the setup, the Erase, was two functions and the operation, the nimmt man with, the vertrauen, in mental sin. If Fahrgefühl is the first man who ganz von vorne.»

If training helps, one form that will come and its automation will probably be the running, a kind of “that running spirit and the running flow that you can use”.

When the time comes for the start of the season, it becomes clear: ‘If you have a high temperature tomorrow and a high temperature, it will be like this, then you will encounter the tension again. If I am at the start, I will win the race, that is the Tag das Ziel.”

Neuer Vertrag at Red Bull

For a small part of the hunt in the last weeks was Marco Odermatt, including the two Rückehrern Marcel Hirscher and Lucas Braathen. When I ask myself the question: ‘It can’t be that it’s not written. Once the sport starts, they both die here. It’s a good idea, it’s an end to everything, but it’s all gone and the man is a bit, whatever we would talk about.» Then you may want to explore a little more of the Leistungen-konzentrieren, so Odermatt.

News is about the Schweizer in the Freitag of Sponsor Red Bull. The Vertrag mit Odermatt would be an experience lasting several years. In the ski world there is talk of a story about the “Lebzeiten”. Darauf angesprochen said Odermatt laughing: “I am happy, I will no longer stay longer if the Vertragsdauer ist.” If all goes well, it will be a longer handle. Odermatt said Red Bull was a partner who was “sure, Spitzensport bedeute”. There is much more, if the logo is now on the market: «There is no fragment or no cases that there is no hereditary world.»

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Odermatt über Hirscher-Wildcard: «The FIS power damit etwas grosses, excitings kaputt»

Marco Odermatt set up a Medienkonferenz for the start of the season about his major competitors, Verbesserungsspotential and erklärt, where the Wildcard for Marcel Hirscher did not find a good Sache.


Odermatt: «I have a great soul: Kitzbühel»

Marco Odermatt organized a Medienkonferenz before the start of the season about his great Saison soul, Verbesserungsspotential and verrät seinen Plan, who will triumph in Kitzbühel.


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