
Kirche lädt zu Gottesdiensten en Konzerten

Kirche lädt zu Gottesdiensten en Konzerten

The Reformation began at the beginning of the Reformation by Martin Luther for 500 years. In Saxony there is a Feiertag. Landesweit loads Kirchgemeinden zu Gottesdiensten und Konzerten.


With Festgottesdiensten, Andachten und Konzerten feiern the evangelical Christian in Saxony in the Reformationstag. Mancherorts are one of the later plants. There will be a festive Gottesservice in the Leipziger Thomaskirche führt of the Thomanerchor together with other music players who will perform the Bach Kantata “Wohl dem, der sich auf seinen Gott”. The Festwoche zur Vollendung der Orgel also sounds in the Nikolaikirche. The program includes a Gottesdienst, an Orgelschmaus and a Konzert, with Anton Bruckner’s “Te Deum” as a thank you and the instrument that is performed.

Landesbischof Tobias Bilz separates the Saxons from, Beziehungen zu ihren Mitmenschen zu erneuern and zu festigen. “We are happy with this experience, live in the spirit of the Reformation,” it says. “We are waiting for you to develop new ideas, experience new resonances. You will always be able to understand yourself.” A Gruß or a friendly Wort and jemanden, we will have Schweigen geherrscht habe, könnten purchase new Beziehung and Verbindung. Bilz preaches the Reformation Festival in Meißner Dom.

A Gottesdienst ends up in the Garnisonskirche on the Festung Königstein. In Dresden, the Kreuzchor organized a festival service in the Kreuzkirche and performed the Bach Kantata “Mache dich, mein Geist, bereit” auf. The Bible, Lobpreis and a Gottesdienst were presented for the Saxon Gemeindebibeltag in Glauchau (Zwickau District) Teilnehmer with the geese Freistaat erwartet. The motto is “Frucht, die nach dem Vater schmeckt”. You will find yourself a Christian in a church, especially in a large Multifunction Hall. (dpa)