
Before or after the Frühstück? Wann is the best time punk for Zähneputzen

Before or after the Frühstück? Wann is the best time punk for Zähneputzen

Be the best for the Zähne it is approx 30 minutes after the Frühstück zu putzen,” said a Zahnärztin der Municher Zahnarztpraxis Debié and Schätzl.

When you’re done, it’s likely that people won’t have the Zeit tomorrow, after which they’ll spend half a day in Essen. If you are looking for an expert in Essen, you cannot go directly to the Zahnbürste.

Grund dafür ist de Säure der Lebensmittel, de Zahnschmelz is worried. The weight becomes lighter for approximately 30 minutes. If you are at this time, the Zahnoberfläche can be heated up and the Zahn can be damaged.