
Legendary Münchner Laughter and Schießgesellschaft starts new

Legendary Münchner Laughter and Schießgesellschaft starts new

Ärger, Insolvenz, new Leitung – es were very welcome at Munich’s best Kabarettbühne. Non-factory that Münchner Lach- und Schießgesellschaft einen scharfzüngigen Neustart.

After turbulent times, the Münchner Lach- en Schießgesellschaft is in favor of the Neustart. Once editing is complete, the first program will be presented on the legendary Kabarett-Bühne in Schwabing. With the new laughundschiessveranstaltungs-Gesellschaft, the Münchner Lach- und Schießgesellschaft on tragfähigem Boden, teilten de Veranstalter mit.

It is a fact that the naming rights of the Namen Münchner Lach- und Schießgesellschaft are their own, that they will go more as a half Jahrhundert for scharfzüngiges political Kabarett – by going with the Namen Dieter Hildebrandt.

Political, socially critical, at a higher level

The new artistic leader, the music-kabarettist André Hartmann, set on three Schwerpunkte: political, socially critical, at a high level. It is a heruntergebrochen by Erbe von Hildebrandt. There has never been a link between two people, but it’s not like those things will change in a democracy, like Hartmann.

After more research in November, we will be working in January 2025 in “Loading” with the beautiful 80 places to go with two evenings during the week, which will start at 7:56 PM – appropriate for the Gründungsjahr of the Kabarett-Institution in Year 1956.

Nach Dürrezeit en drei Spielorten präsent

The performance continued in parallel in the Silbersaal of the German Theaters with 160 Plätzen – bisher Interimsspielstätte – anyway in der Drehleier in Haidhausen. Man, I think the city area is there. “That is absolutely not necessary after a long period of time, because we have been disappointed,” says Hartmann. The ensemble of Christl Sittenauer, Sebastian Fritz and Frank Klötgen are little more than young cabaretists who have been given a chance. Zudem Hartmann strives to collaborate with other Satire Ensembles and. The service will be performed at the first Vorstellung of Kabarettist Matthias Deutschmann with the best program.

The Lach- und Schießgesellschaft hatte in February 2023 Antrag auf Insolvenz. Before we started a war with the ringing of one of the books by the teilweise zerstRITen früheren gesellschafter, the kabarettist Bruno Jonas was heard. Hartmann tritt Anfang November seinen ehrenamtlichen Job as new Leiter offiziell an.

The traditional house in 1956 together with Hildebrandt, Klaus Havenstein, Hans Jürgen Diedrich, Ursula Herking and director Sammy Drechsel are an original work together. Trotz mancher Krisen and Wechsel in Team Wurde das Theater zur Legende. Before Hildebrandt went to war with his Auftritten Garant für ein volles Haus.

After the end of 2013, the house will be full again, the small room will be full. Inzwischen would be a Trägerverein with the names “Laden-Hüter” eingerichtet, the Munich’s ex-Oberbürgermeister Christian Ude princeeht. Before I started working, I became neither a sponsor nor Hartmann. Man, thank you very much, after a while you will be able to come home.

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