
Grenzüberschreitende Tourismuskooperationszone der Ban-Gioc-Detian-Wasserfälle official opening net

Grenzüberschreitende Tourismuskooperationszone der Ban-Gioc-Detian-Wasserfälle official opening net

CHONGZUO, China, November 9, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — October 14, China and Vietnam will join forces common together Erklärung Bekannt, dass de Chinese-Vietnamese Tourismuskooperationszone der Ban-Gioc-Detian-Wasserfälle offiziell in Betrieb was common. On October 15, the People’s Government of the Guangxi Autonomous Region and the People’s Council of the Province began a formal Zeremonie of the Kooperationszone ab.

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The Chinese-Vietnamese border tourism operations zone of the Ban-Gioc-Detian-Wasserfälle is on September 15, 2023 in the Pilot-betrieb auf. You can also visit Chinese and Vietnamese tourists who visit other countries in the context of group books, festive itineraries and beginners. By October 10, 2024, 1,232 international tourist groups have been received with 17,991 visitors.

With the Official Opening, the Publicity Department of Daxin County further optimized the borderline travel models.

The first planted transfer is the exchange of decisions. Künftig sollen 1,000 statt 500 Personen von jeder Seite anreisen können, was een Verdoppelung der bisherigen Zahl entspricht. The following reviews from the Tagesgäste were repeated.

The second planted transfer is the translation of the term. The business hours are from 10:00 AM to 5:00 PM and from 9:00 AM to 6:00 PM (Beijing Time) ausgeweitet redactie, soft drinks Tourists can make a living making soft drinks in the Nachbarland.

The three planted options are optimized for single and Ausreisep durations. A Beispiel here is the landsweit first “Gesichtserkennungsverfahren” of the Beantragung of Einreisegenehmigungen, while the Besucher ihre Identität über das WeChat-Miniprogramma Guijing Tongban verifies and its registration can be done. A “One-Stop-Service” service is available, which includes all relevant insurances that make one- and Ausreisehörden as good as possible. Please ensure that a generous travel pass does not contain any other documents and enter the trade zone with authorizing tour groups.

The fourfold installation is the Vereinfachung der Zollanmeldung. New technologies with photo and video cameras are vereinfachten controlled by the package and the personal settings, making zollaffertigung moremöglicht.

The fun way in which the control processes are carried out is the control. Vietnamese tourists, who are traveling to and from China in a tour group, benefit from the rules of the “three orders” (keine Abnahme von Fingerabdrücken, no Stampen des Grenzonderzoekpasses and no Ausfüllen eines Einreisekartenformulars). Chinese tourists benefit from a double Zollabfertigung (“manuell und express”) in the Grenzkontrollstempel. These maßnahmen ask one of the following questions about service quality.

Quelle: Daxin County Publicity Department

CONTACT: Kontaktperson: Herr Zeng, Tel.: 86-10-63074558

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