
Baden-Württemberg: Arzt aus Mosbach: Aus dem Odenwald in the Peruvian Anden

Baden-Württemberg: Arzt aus Mosbach: Aus dem Odenwald in the Peruvian Anden

Status: 09.11.2024 08:36 Uhr

Benjamin Zeier from Mosbach war inheritance Urologist with owner Praxis. But for five years of work it is a new era: Practical work is being done in Anden in Peru.

House with garden and swimming pool, two cars, good health care and a healthy lifestyle – Benjamin Zeier, as a Urologist from Mosbach (Neckar-Odenwald-Kreis), had everything good, was good for everyone and was there for everyone for himself and his family. . It’s wonderful, the blessing fraud and the fun of children and nights.

Dann, 2019, der Schnitt: Zeier verkauft alles, trennt sich von allem. Von der Praxis, den Autos, dem regulated Einkommen, den Möbeln, seinem Haus mit Garten en Pool.

Mosbacher Arzt in Peru: Nur eine Stunde am Tag fließend Wasser

“Wir has a small house with his small, flying washer is now a stunde am Tag”, said Zeier dem SWR to Heimatbesuch in Mosbach. The family has made a plan, where one of the things can happen, or the washing machine can be washed. “Unsere washing machine: an absolute luxury!” Zeier said. The love that arose now, when the flow no longer started, was idiosyncratically passionate during the rainy season. In the Andes everything is different than in Germany, as in Mosbach.

Man wants such a thing.
Benjamin Zeier, Urologist in Anden, Peru

Gebet hilft Arzt bij Entscheidung

Man gewöhne sich an so veeles, wenn man everything op, um as Arzt, as Urologist, in the Peruvian Anden zu gehen, said Zeier. The Mediziner is the more gläubiger Christ and therefore not completely free from Entscheidung. Zeier wants to start immediately after work and let children know that the new Kapitel is now getting started. If you know Christ, he is a Gebet na an Antwort.

Eine Mail from Peru collects everything

At the end of 2018, we have had a few visits after the birth of our children, and received an email from Peru after visiting the Mosbacher Family House with Garden and Pool. Ob Zeier sich vorellen könne, als Missionsarzt in the Peruvian Anden zu gehen – also dahin, wed die Poorsten in a Missionshospital were discussed. If you are sure there is no information about this email, this is a problem. And to whom my wife responded so kindly: “Okay, do you want to go?” Dammit was also present in its own right. Absender der Mail were deutsche Ärzte, died in Peru dieses Hospital gegründet haben.

Leben in den Anden: Drei Stunden Fahrt bis zum Supermarkt

Jetzt also had the Mosbacher family die in a village in Bergen Peru, in a country, so that they did not interact with the world of their lives, while the sailors became like this. Woollens are in a large supermarket, but you can buy them with your car, very strong Sandwege or Schlammpisten, you will be happy. “It can be a bad passion, the car can no longer become a man after Hause kommt,” says Benjamin Zeier, who has a schaufel and rubber boot in the trunk hat for the lonely fall.

Unser Leben in de Deutschland war schon veld bequemer und veld einfacher!
Benjamin Zeier, Urologist in Anden, Peru

Luxus and Reichtum in Deutschland, that was a while ago. “If people can help, if the Hoffnung can take place, they may earn more,” Zeier erklärt. There are a few things you can do now.

Missionskrankenhaus wurde von deutschen Ärzten gründet

Zeier is a urologist and a highly modern missionary asylum, which could include many years of two Ärzten from Baden-Württemberg. The 41 years of hard work that the family spends on their money ensures that Spender regularly lives on. Auch das Krankenhaus itself, in the middle of the Peruvian Mountains, lives by Solchen Spenden. Schon im Morgengrauen stehen die Menschen Schlange in front of the hospital, kommen inklapprigen Autos or zu Fuß, often kilometersweit.

“We treat here the Quechua, the Poorest of the Poor,” Zeier reported. The Bevölkerungsgruppe was severely discriminated against in Peru. “These people live outside our hospital in the Bergen and continue to modernize their medical care.”

Heimatbesuch in Mosbach: Zwischen Kulturschock und Heimweh

Benjamin Zeier’s life and power in the Andes can no longer enjoy life, that is the case in Mosbach. If anyone is there, anyway, in Germany, then it is a matter of culture shock and nostalgia. “Die risigen Supermärkte here, das unfassbare Angebot, die öffentlichen Verkehrsmittel, dann die Sorgen, die Klagen der Deutschen, die gerechtigten oder übertriebenen” – Zeier ist manchmal hind- en hergerissen. And perhaps it is not true that Peru is zurückfährt? The most viewed is another part of the Lebensmittelpunkt. “If we live with all the radiation in our lives in Germany, we will live in all our lives, and we will have more peace of mind,” said Zeier. Of course it is a manchmal Heimweh. View the beautiful House with Garden in Mosbach. “If you’re gone longer, this means more words.”

Sendung am So., 10.11.2024 6:00 AM, Sonn- / Feiertagmorgen, SWR1

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