
Vale and BHP freigesprochen • news • onvista

Vale and BHP freigesprochen • news • onvista

BENTO RODRIGUES (dpa-AFX) – Rund new year after the Dammbruch of Bento Rodrigues in Brasilia with a Federal Court responsible for Bergbauunternehmen freigesprochen. Der Freispruch sei met de “Fehlen ausreichender Beweise für die Feststellung der direkten and individualcriminallichen Verantwortung” youreinzelnen Angeklagten in diesem Fall started, reported the Nachrichtenportal “G1” under Berufung auf das Richt. The Bundesstaatsanwaltschaft is having difficulty getting involved in the turmoil.

On November 5, 2015, a Schlamm avalanche had the Ort Bento Rodrigues after the Stadt Mariana the 19th star. Der Dammbruch in de Rückhaltebecken is een Eisenerzbergwerkes in de Bundesstaat Minas Gerais die Katastrofe. Cattle 40 Million Cubic Meters of poisonous Abwässer were infolge in the Rio Doce gelangt en versuchten Hunderte Kilometer des Flusses.

The mine of the mountain builders Samarco entered into a joint venture with the Brazilian Konzern Vale and the British-Australian Rohstof company BHP. The Brazilian Staatsanwaltschaft started in 2016 with a number of roads put together by Samarco 21 years ago. All employees involved were said to have received the “G1” free speeches while being presented to the Zeitpunkt des Dammbruchs by Ricardo Vescovi, Chairman of Samarco.

After the world catastrophe, mountain building has become a disaster. Before we continue, it is first worthwhile to start the Regie with the Bergbauunternehmen on Entschädigungszahlungen in Höhe of 132 Billion Reais (and 21 Billion Euro). The “Tragödie von Mariana” went after the production as the great world catastrophe of the countries in the Geschichte ein./ppz/DP/he