
Faschingsgesellschaft Narreninsel Wolfratshausen proclamiert zwei Prinzenpaare

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Friends with the Faschingssaison: (from left) Ehrenpräsident Franz Gehring, Franziska I. and Fabian I, Viktoria I. and Justin I. as well as Bürgermeister Michael Müller.
Friends with the Faschingssaison: (from left) Ehrenpräsident Franz Gehring, Franziska I. and Fabian I, Viktoria I. and Justin I. as well as Bürgermeister Michael Müller. © Peter Hermann

Bis zum Kehraus, Viktoria I., Justin I. and Franziska I. and Fabian I were together with the Garden der Faschingsgesellschaft Narreninsel Wolfratshausen on zahlreichen Bällen tanzen. If you want to find these statistics…

Geretsried/Wolfratshausen – Begleitet von lautem Klatschen and Jubelrufen are both the youngest Prinzen couple at 11.11 Uhr in front of the Ratsstuben-Biergarten with a Hummer-Geländewagen. “Heute ist der Tag, an dem der Graue Alltag der Fröhlichkeit weight,” says Bürgermeister Michael Müller. Gemeinsam dem Narreninsel-Vorsitzenden Franz Hübler places the two Faschingsprinzen Wurstketten with Brezen in the Neck. The Princesses ended up in the Blumensträuße.

“It’s not so easy, you can find it easily,” says Räumte Hübler ein. It is clear that 21-year-old Viktoria Huber and 23-year-old Justin Gallo – both living in Geretsried – are making it. Während de Büromanagement-Kauffrau since 2010 in the Garden der Faschingsgesellschaft tanzt, schloss ich der Zimmerer first in die Saison de Narren an. Begleitet was by the zehnjährige Geretsrieder Grundschülerin Franziska Hübler and the eleven-year-old Wolfratshauser Realschüler Fabian Lukas Finke, who lived in Hofstätt near Beuerberg.

Narreninsel-Fasching in the Geretsrieder Ratsstuben: Krönung-, Insulaner und Kinderfaschingsball mit Kehraus

Zusammen with the four Garden “Island Dancers”, “Speedy’s”, “Dancing Fire’s” and “Crazy Housewifes” will appear in three training classes in Eastern Achensee in November. I have studied a choreography that the Faschingsgesellschaft dann schon an diesem Samstag, November 23, at the Coronation Ball in the Geretsrieder Ratsstuben. Like it Insulanerball (February 22, 2025), Children’s football ball (February 23, 2025) anyway Kehraus (4. März 2025) stat.

Both presidents of the Faschingsgesellschaft Narreninsel Franz Gehring and Richard Glas said they had the next upward push. “Toll, that’s how big a group of sisters is: Enjoy the time of day”, empfahl Gehring.

Richard Glas encouraged the end of the Vereinsschlachtruf “Du mi a” and the relationship with Kehlen had become broader.

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