
Häftlinge were Eltern ohne Sex: Wunderbaby in Florida | News

Häftlinge were Eltern ohne Sex: Wunderbaby in Florida | News

Miami Many people meet in a bar, online dating or on the Arbeitsplatz. Daisy L. (29) and Joan D. (23), both of whom live in Mordes, get to know themselves about a Belüftungsschacht in a Haftanstalt in Miami (US-Federal State of Florida). Dort wurden sie Eltern. All without sex!

If you’re not informed, it’s only a little bit bad. Joan did an interview with them American TV channel WSVN: “Wir haben uns uns angefasst, wie die Jungfrau Maria.” Trotzdem kam on June 19, the little Tochter at Jackson Memorial Hospital in den USA zur Welt.

On June 19, we will discuss the world again. Mittlerweile lives with his grandmother's life

On June 19, we will discuss the world again. Mittlerweile lives with his grandmother’s life

Photo: 7nieuws

DNA Test bestätigte Vaterschaft

First mutated Daisy’s Family, the young woman in the family became sexually nauseated and sought an internal negotiation. Go ahead DNA test dear, that’s Joan of the Father of the Mädchens.

I am Turner Guilford Knight Correctional Center and learn that they both know the Belüftung

I am Turner Guilford Knight Correctional Center and learn that they both know the Belüftung

Photo: AFP via Getty Images

Both are weighing Mordes I am Knast. Daisy has been sentenced to life imprisonment, while her boyfriend has been through a lot. This is a geliebter hat of a human being. Die Tage in Einzelhaft were einsam. Both are also a kind of air treatment on the toilette in combination with communication.

Joan’s greater Traum war ein Baby

Daisy zu WSVN: “If someone isolates for so long, he is a man, Stunden and Stunden with that person who reasons, is so fast, if he chooses Raum with his heart.”

Joan D. Verriet has a major trauma: her own baby

Joan D. Verriet sees a major trauma: her own baby

Photo: facebook/joan.depaz.169

When you take a notification and photos, a romantic atmosphere begins. A timely moment for Joan with new friends and great memories: “I always wanted to be Baby haben. And it was far from done. If I also want to do the most diverse things, it is difficult to do that.” No problem for Daisy – it is that easy.

Semen in Fischhalte foil

A war that is the Belüftungsshaft is half the battle. “I did that Sperm jeden Tag etwa funmal am Tag in Fischhaltefolie wrapped, etwa for a month,” recalls Joan. The foil rolls together with a ziggarette, experiences one of the grinds and ensures that they lie down during the shaft.

Daisy has an applicator that works when she sees how Mittel is a thing Hefepilz infection dissipated hate. „I have the sperm hereinlegegt and the damit eingeführt.“ After few Versuchen war si schwanger.

Mittlerweile were both sold separately Gefängnisse Verlegt, de Behörden are Ermittlungen eingeleitet. The Tochter is waiting for Joans Mutter. The Eltern can see the Little Nur by Videoanruf. Daisy Schwärmt: “I think it was a great art. It’s a Wunderbaby, a segment.”