
Labor Market: “The best work in the job” – Was German Firmen von einem Finnen lernen können ()

Labor Market: “The best work in the job” – Was German Firmen von einem Finnen lernen können ()

Berlin/Helsinki (ots) –

Jobilla chief Pekka Nebelung’s Vision for the German labor market: Paradigmenwechsel, soulful reforms, digitalization of the recruitment chain

The German Labor Market is one of the most serious reforms: The demographic walk and the waiting Fachkräftmangel that threatens the economic economics of the country. Pekka Nebelung, CEO of Jobilla Deutschland and senator in the German Mittelstandsverband BVMW, advocates a paradigm: “The best work for the job.” Der Finne presents its vision of how Germany can get the best talent for its needs and long-term opportunities through passionate reforms and an innovative recruitment strategy.

“Digitalization and Bürokratieabbau are separated”

Nebelung is an überzeugt, the German recruitment method urgently needs to be modernized, the best talent is encouraged and bundled. “We use the joint Recruiting-Kette digitization. It is not possible to start a quick procedure, but a thorough analysis by intelligent algorithms, which ensure that the best work done by them can bring the greatest benefits”, so Nebelung. In the perspective of the Finnish CEO in Germany, the business market is a serious obstacle for business, while the creditworthiness from the Australian country can potentially be exploited. “There is a Vielzahl with a high qualification quality, the German country with its Armenian empfangen würde. Conduct long-term analyzes and opaque rules that often stand in the way.”

“The German Wirtschaft braucht einen Wandel in der Unternehmenskultur”

It is unique for Nebelung that the German company is no longer focused on the digitalization of business services, but also in its internal cultural investments. “There is a new Arbeitswelt, the flexibility, the hierarchical structure and the active dialogue. These can be spread by the young, creative entrepreneurs, who stop mussing here, while living abroad in Australia,” Nebelung said. The Vision for the Labor Market is based on a modern unternehmenskultur, the talent is no longer available, but it is so long-lasting for a bindet.

Attractive Rahmenbedingungen purchase – for In- and Ausländer

Nebelung sees politics in the light, the environment for the German labor market international laws and regulations. “Wir brauchen bright, unbürokratische Verfahren, which are Australian Talents and Unternehmen erleichttern, sich in Deutschland zu etablieren. Dazu hear the Anerkennung ausländischer Abschlüsse ebenso who international wettbewerbsfähige Gehälter”, so Nebelung. There is talk of the Tatsache, the German country is on the point of the Einkommensmobilität and Lohnstrukturen in the international Vergleich zurückfällt and deshalb schwerer Talent in the global lawtbewerb won and stopped kann.

“The best human sparrows get into the right positions”

The message “The best quality of life for the job” results in a positive, positive work environment: If the right talent is installed in the job position, the community benefits as well as the collective Volkswirtschaft. “At Jobilla, a talented person can grow his talent in the future and expand the competition, which is moving in a very good direction,” Nebelung explains. “We must have all structures over the wind and our thoughts, was at 21. Years later: Efficiency, agility and dexterity are the same in general terms.”

Pekka Nebelung unterstreicht de Dringlichkeit dieser Reformen, een Deutschland nicht nur als Wirtschaftsstandort zu sichern, sondern das Land wieder in een Vorreiterrolle in Europa zu bring. Through an innovative, digitalized recruitment culture, in the Bürokratie-abbau and the culture walk Hand in Hand, the best talents – so that domestically and Australian – can be optimally recruited and deployed. This Schritte is urgently notnoten, een Deutschland zukunftsfähig zu machen.

Über Pekka Nebelung

Pekka Nebelung is the Geschäftsführer of Jobilla Deutschland and how the Unternehmen have been führt with a committed team in the past years. There is a Mitglied in Bundeswirtschaftssenat des Mittelstands, een 350-kopfigen Exzellenz-Gremium des Bundesverbands mittelständische Wirtschaft (BVMW) with Persönlichkeiten aus Politik, Wirtschaft, Kultur und Medien, das Deutschland mit Ideen, Impulsen und Initiativen zukunftsfähig machen will.

If trumpeter and musiker are mentioned, Pekka Nebelung is the cultural culture of the Heimatland, which can also provide such great inspiration and inspiration in music. With an international perspective, positive development will take place and begin in Germany.

Uber Jobilla

The track is a pioneering venture in digital recruitment and headhunting. Jobilla’s modern technologies and innovative methods of finding and recruiting the best talent have helped him find the best talents. With Hauptsitz in Helsinki and Niederlassungen weltweit Jobilla set new Standards in Recruiting and is leading an important task in the digitalization of the labor market.

Pressure contact:

Pekka Nebelung,
Geschäftsführer Jobilla Deutschland
Email: [email protected]
Phone: +49 30 896 778 449

Weitere Presse-Informationen, Interview excerpts, Photos:
Goldmund Communication
Ronald Battistini
Phone: +49 170 271 30 76
Email: [email protected]

Original content from: Jobilla, added to the news