
Wertpaper Profil Call Turbo-Optionsschein Open End on EUR/USD (Vontobel) WKN VC881R ISIN DE000VC881R9 Chart Nachricht Aktien Kursvergleich

Lauda-Königshofen ( – Maciej Gaj from “” proposes in seiner aktuellen Veröffentlichung an Open End Turbo Long (ISIN DE000VC881R9 / WKN VC881R ) from Vontobel on the Währungspaar EUR/USD (ISIN EU0009652759 / WKN 965275) for.

If a 7.85 percent drop in the mark has a double value of 1.12 USD, the euro to the US dollar (EUR/USD) has moved to a broader bottom. Now that the phase has arrived, it is compacted here and can become barren with a new opportunity at the higher levels. I have an ideal decline at the Dollar Index, a bare American Topping collection on and untermauerten those small reversals.

With the Kursrückfall from the last Woche habe das Paar EUR/USD zwar seine Handelsspan van de last Monate swissen 1.0448 und 1.1275 US-Dollar op de Unterseite verlassen, just an dem Support aus der zweiten Jahreshälfte 2022 to 1.0364 US – Dollar kime jedoch dies Als If you want to put a trendsetter on the map, you need to look at the map you used. There are no significant signals, but they are also suspected of being an inverse SKS formation on untergeordneten Ebene on.

If a pair of 1.0331 and the price of 1.0601 US dollars goes wildly up and down, the Seitenlinie rate can be taken out of the bet. One of the main trends in the market is a temporary trend with a potential of 1.0666 and 1.0723 US dollars and is one of the qualifications for long investments. My Idealfall became an Ausbruchsszenario on the Oberseite during an unintentional Wochenschlusssskurs. Second, the assets of US$1.0331 are deducted from the interest paid on US$1.0222 and US$1.0093. Neither had aber again Bullen nor Bären deutliche Akzente settled.

First an estimate of 1.0723 US Dollars would be experienced by the pair of EUR/USD at a level of 1.0601 US Dollars and could be a prudent Long-Engagement-beishalber over the Open End Turbo Long Zertifikat. The possible display on that route würde 100 Prozent betragen, rechnerisches Course soul The price will be 3.14 euros. A Verlustigingsbegrenzung would not exceed the price of 1.0560 US-Dollar prices, while the orientation to an Ausstiegskurs of 1.60 Euro is very. If the anchor horizon now starts to change in the time that we are going to move, a narrow analysis of the basic values ​​will be established. (29.11.2024/oc/a/w)

Possible options for interested parties: Possible options for interested parties can be found on the site of the authors/of the quotes Analyzeat sometime.