
SC 04 Tuttlingen muss gegen grime Aufsteiger ran

SC 04 Tuttlingen muss gegen grime Aufsteiger ran

Dornhan/Tuttlingen – If any of the following are performed, it is the Tuttlinger who is now a mastery point. The story of SC 04 is clear: “Wir wollen möglichst schnell 40 Punkte holen, um nichts mit dem Abstieg zu tun zu haben”, Andreas Probst gave the Marschrichtung aus. “I have no interest in who, in the season’s experience, is the surest in the final sprint,” says the SC coach.

In der Vorbereitung lief nicht alles nach Wunsch. Probst: “I’m not super zufrieden. Aber die letzten 60 Minuten in unserem letzten Testspiel beim 3:3 in Radolfzell were in Ordnung. If we get the chance to win, we have the chance in Dornhan zu bestehen.”

Personal problems

All problems with the SC Coach have a personal problem. “We cannot get out of the Full Schöpfen, weil einige Spieler verletzungsbedingt ausfallen beziehungsweise nor im Urlaub sind”, said Probst.

Marcel Misic is a service company that operates for a few weeks and works for three weeks. Emirhan Karakaya, Rückkehrer of FC Radolfzell, is scheduled for meniscus surgery next week. There are a few weeks not to be discharged.

17th Chamber against Dornhan

Gabriel Misic, David Sommer and Lukas Stengelin find neither in Urlaub. There is a match between Edvin Pasic (from NK Hajduk Villingen) after a signal from Karte in WFV-Pokalspiel against TSV Straßberg (0:2) in Dornhan. “We will have a great project to live in,” says Probst, who will have 17 games to build on in Dornhan. The leadership would ultimately end up with two activities from the two Mannschaft-ergänzt, which am Freitagabend in Bezirkspokal beim SV Seitingen-Oberflacht in Einsatz-war.

Andreas Probst responded to the question: “Dornhan paints a campferically strong Mannschaft. Zusammenhalt and stronger Wille said the team, which played on Konter, aus. Der Aufsteiger gehört zu den Mannschaften, die uns nicht so lie.”

Fun during training

The Tuttlinger Coach is clear: “I am happy that I have the right attitude in the game and our chance of making nonsense. The Jungs trained and had a lot of fun playing. We are happy to find the game, enjoy it, we can enjoy it with our house.”

The gymnastics and sports friends Dornhan started the seasons with 65 points and 84:34 Towers that brought the Meister of the District League to the Black Forest. A year ago, the Dornhanern reached 104 Towers and 71 points only for the championship behind the SV Wittendorf (80 points). In the relegation, the TSF fell to the sports friends (2:4), while the players with SV Bubsheim (2:1) and the SG Deißlingen (1:0) in the Aufstieg worked.

Starker Aufsteiger TSF Dornhan

TSF Dornhan’s trainer is Daniel Ruoff, and co-trainer Sandro Bossert. Both are in Dornhan in their four years and active as Player Trainers. Bossert is in the ruins of his games at 14 Tore. Erfolgreichster Dornhaner Torschütze in the youth Vergangenheit is the Sturmführer Julian Haas, since July 2018 in 131 Bezirksliga-Spielen 96 Tore erzielte.

Der SC 04 Tuttlingen and the TSF Dornhan play together in the Landesliga for a year. In the 2007/08 season it was played on October 3, 2007 in Tuttlingen at 0:00 and on May 7, 2008 by the SC in Dornhan 1:2. Both Mannschaften ascend at Saisonende ab.

After 14 years zurück in der Liga

The best sporting time that TSF Dornhan spent at the end of the 1970s and the beginning of the 1980s was as the last amateur league and after the sports reform of 1978 the first years of the Landesliga began. In the season 1982/83 the Dornhaner belegten the guten fünften Platz (under 19 Mannschaften).

After these years played in the second Landesliga-Spielzeiten, 2007/08 and 2009/10, the jewels with the latter disappeared. After 14 years it was more than 14 years ago that Dornhaner Zuschauer now in the Saturday the SC 04 Tuttlingen again Landesliga-Fußball ihrer Mannschaft see.