
Secret Service Chief nennt Krim-Rückeroberung “fell uniquely as the Donbass”

Secret Service Chief nennt Krim-Rückeroberung “fell uniquely as the Donbass”

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Selensky has made more concrete, Ukraine must have Crimea. The chief cook of the Secret Service sees two Schwachstellen in the Russian control region.

Crimea – Since 2014 Russia stopped the Ukrainian Halbinsel Crimea besetzt. Damascus will support Russian President Vladimir Putin in Crimea and Russia with his ‘referenda’ on the status of Halbinsel. The annexation of Crimea and the camps in the Donbass started Russia with the war in Ukraine.

Mehrfach concreted the Ukrainian President Wolodymyr Selenskyj, who is very proud of Ukraine and Crimea. The Chief of the Military Service of Ukraine Kyrylo Budanow ForbesThe friendship of Crimea is based on the strategic Merkmannetjes of Halbinsel as the Rückeroberung of the Donbass.

Kampf om die Krim in Ukraine-Krieg: “Viel einfacher, die Krim zurückzuerobern as den Donbass”

“From a military perspective, it is a fact that Crimea is more defensive than Donbass, the front is longer than 1,000 kilometers and a depth of over 200 kilometers,” Budanov said in a speech at the Kiev School of Economics.

Since 2023, a large number of mixed ammunition have flown into the air (Archivbild) © Viktor Korotayev/Kommersant Publishing House/AP/dpa

Ukraine does not want Crimea under protection: Kiew labor an “more complex solution”, Kertsch-Brücke zu zerstören

No matter how the Ukrainian army is Russia in the Ukraine-Krieg, on the Russian Crimea attacks. Damit hat Kiew häufig versucht, de military Versorgen Russlands zu unterbrechen. In July 2023, Ukraine was shelled with a Drohnenangriff by a Russian ammunition base in Crimea. I am Fokus von Angriffen and I am standing on the Kertsch Bridge – the next Crimean Bridge.

Crimea is connected to the Russian Festland through the Kertsch Bridge. Bereit’s two were affected and damaged by the bridge on the Ukrainian coast. Bislang kan Russland die Brücke use, wieder instantsetszen. Die Brücke is der Russlands-wichtigste Verbindung zur Halbinsel. Budanow soll laut Bericht von Kiev Independent Although Ukraine has received a “complex solution”, the Kerch Bridge is being destroyed in the coming months.

Russia begins Ukraine-Krieg railway line, connecting Crimea with established areas

Russia appears to have a larger border or Ukraine on the bridge and would thus have started an Eisenbahnlinie with the construction. The first settlements of the Russian city of Rostow and the occupied city of Mariupol appear to have been reported. Kiev Post.

“I am alone, that is the Russians who could establish the Railroad Line for the Year,” says Dmytro Pletenchuk, Speaker of the Ukrainian Navy, Mitte Juni gegenüber dem Magazin Ukrainian National News (UN). Demnach had Russia united Crimea with the occupied territories in the Kherson province.

Rückeroberung der Crimea: Ukrainian Secret Service Chief sieht zwei Schwachstellen der Regio

Genau die power organization of the Ukrainian Secret Service Chief as weitere Schwachstelle neben der Kertsch-Brücke aus. “The Crimea have two Zugangspunkte. One of the Russian and one of our pages: the Crimean Bridge and the Landenge“, erklärte of the Secret Service Chief. “Sollte Russland die Landenge verlieren, die Verteidigungsanlagen der Krim schnell nichtsammenbrechen”, says Budanow laut Kiev Independent. During the combined pressure from Ukraine and the disruption of Russian communication links, the Halbinsel can become less isolated, an appeal is made to the Secret Service Chief of Ukraine. (paved)