
Renaturierung: ÖVP-Verfassungssprecher nennt Gewessler “Staatsgefährdin”

Renaturierung: ÖVP-Verfassungssprecher nennt Gewessler “Staatsgefährdin”

The coalition streak is one of the EU renaturation laws in the next round. In a news interview, VP Constitution Speaker Wolfgang Gerstl described Climate Protection Minister Leonore Gewessler (Greens) as a “state leader” and explained his short term. Prompt came an answer from coalition partners.

WIEN Before choosing a wife, you should protect the Ministry of Climate Protection Leonore Gewessler (Grüne) zum EU Renaturierungsgesetz ohne the Go der Volkspartei for a fierce Streit innerhalb of Turkish-green coalition. Gewessler would come from the Grund of the ÖVP, man lehnte jedoch einen Misstrauensantrag gegen die Ministerin ab (don’t see the whole chronology).

Jetzt goes to the Streit in the next Runde, weil ÖVP-Verfassungssprecher Wolfgang Gerstl Minister Gewessler in a newspaper interview as “Staatsgefährdin” bezeichnete and ihr the Rücktritt nahelegte. Gerstl brought with him a parliamentary parliamentary issue and a Gewessler, his Antwort company of the ÖVP politician.

ÖVP-Verfassungsprecher Wolfgang Gerstl | Photo: Martin Juen / SEPA.Media /

“If you want to examine the food and knowledge of the federal states’ uniqueness, you knew that this will now be a unique position that will be obtained. You can look at the question of accountability in Vienna”, so Gerstl gegenüber dem “K urier”. To explain: The self-esteem is that the EU renaturation is a unique position of the federal states. Vienna chief Michael Ludwig (SPÖ) is an end to the end of the renovation, we will review the stellungnahme on a teilweise translated Entwurf der Orordnung. Gewessler sah sich dann nicht more an de Stellungnahme bunden (ebenfalls more unten).

Streit um EU-Renaturierungsgesetz: Positions in the Directorate and in the Ländern. | Photo: APA-Grafik /

“Zurücktreten, bevor sie abgewählt wird”

The climate protection minister could “enjoy that, before you become a voter”, thinks the VP Constitutional Speaker Gerstl. Gewessler started the separation with the Australian Wiens: “If the position of the federal states is greater, there is no more position of the federal states”. The best of the latest research in the EU Council no duty to restore cooperation is with the Ministry of Agriculture, which lies in the ÖVP hand.

Justice and Verfassungssprecherin der Grünen, Agnes Prammer, at a Medientermin with Vizekanzler Werner Kogler. | Photo: Zoë Goldstein

Promptly comb the Antwort vom Koalitionspartner der ÖVP. “A climate protection minister, which protects the natural environment, influences my job and the environment”, is justifiable and responsible for the environment, Agnes Prammerin an Aussendung-zitiert. The perspective of the current report about the high water and the walls of the city is that politics nach altem Denken, die Menschen in Gefahr Bringt. I am happy, that the health of the people and the protection of the environment and nature are stimulated by meint Prammer.

The “Staatsgefährdin” -Sager says “exhausted fahrlässig”: “Here real Gefährder were massively damaged, it is not not so bad to speak of such Geschütze aufzufahren”.

More on the topic:

FPÖ separates with Misstrauensantrag gegen Gewessler

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